Email me if you have any problems
If you want to know the current status of each of the cameras, my suggestion is to read Message 17- Camera Status
To view the live video feed from the Train Camera using a smart device, follow the instructions.
Step 1
Download the application called 'PV Cam Viewer'.
Step 2:
Open the device manager in the application.
Step 3:
To add the camera in the application, tap the '+' sign.
Step 4:
Manually enter the camera into the application.
No QR code is availabe at the time.
Step 5:
Enter the camera ID of 'P030474' for camera 1 or
Enter the camera ID of 'P032113' for camera 2
Enter the camera ID of 'P032116' for camera 3
Enter the camera ID of 'P032930' for camera 4
Entrer the camera ID of 'P032932' for camera5
Then enter the code of' '4321' for each This the camera is on-line, it will show show; otherwise in maybe be off-line (not powered or in transit to a destination)
Step 6:
The camera should now appear in the application.
Tap on the camera to connect to it.
After connecting to the camera, tap on the recorder settings.
Step 8:
You should now see a live video display of the camera on my train layout.
Notes: for the moment, you cannot control the locomotive. You can only watch a live video from the lead locomotive camera.
In the future, the live video/audio with me feed into my software.
Can't wait to get a locomotive up on-line!