Ordering a Compact Disque

<>    If you don't want to download the program, or you want the latest program files, you can mail me funds and I will be glad to mail you a copy of the program on a compact disque. 


    There is only one file to download. Please download it to a single directory on your hard drive. Once you have completed this, run the program Automatic Train Control setup file and follow the prompts. Let me know if you have any problems by posting a message to the Yahoo user group.
    You will be required to enter a password at the ' Password Authentication' screen. A link is provide to email me for a password.

Netscape users: Right click on the arrows and save the links as...
Microsoft Exployer: Right click, save target as...

File Name  File size (bytes)
ATC Setup.exe (Lite Version) Link to download the lite version.
92.0 M

Pro, Full or Lite, which do I want? Find out more. Link to finding out more.

    Run the AtcUpdater program. It will check  ftp://atc.developer.lovethosetrains.com server  for new files.  Each file will be updated as needed.
    Everytime you upgrade software a new password may be required. Just email me again, and I'll be glad to send you a new one.

Compact Disque Version